Monday, September 25, 2006

A friend of mine wrote a post about handphones and I found a particularly interesting line

"soon handphones will be psychic and all you need to do is to think of a person and next thing you know - RING!!!."

Well, I don't know about you but it is a feature that I certainly DO NOT want in my phone. Imagine the following scenarios:

You're thinking of him
Well, his phone will be ringing non-stop with whatever annoying ringtone it might be playing.

He's thinking of you
Your phone will ring non-stop this time. You'll either get very flattered or very irritated.

You are thinking of each other
The line will be jamned and neither of you can get each other. If you're using one of those 'smartphones' running on Windows Mobile, it might have to be restarted. Multitasking hangs the OS.

He's thinking of someone else
I guess the result for this is pretty clear. His line will be busy all the time. Oh well, at least you know that you shouldn't waste any more time or effort on him.

You're thinking of someone else
Same as above. However, should I encounter Scenario 2 and I get irritated, I will make myself think of someone else. That should do the trick =p

In short, I don't mind a phone that can play mp3, snap photos and send data via bluetooth, infrared or usb. Nor do I mind the voice recognition feature as it is something that I've been accustomed to. But please, no psychic phone.

"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain."- Arthur Weasley in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

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