Tuesday, June 27, 2006

To all the flying/crawling creatures that enter my room,

Please take note of the possible causes of your death in my room:

  1. You bite/bit/had bitten/are bitting me.
  2. You landed on monitor when I'm watching movie.
  3. You are on my bed.
  4. You're noisy.
  5. You annoy/annoyed/are annoying me.
  6. I don't like your look.
  7. I don't like you being six-legged.
  8. I don't like your black and white stripes.
  9. I don't like your wings.
  10. In short, all mosquitoes MUST die!
  11. I'm in a foul mood.
  12. I can't sleep.
  13. I'm stressed.
  14. I'm feeling playful.
  15. I'm feeling sadist.
  16. Actually, when I'm plainly being myself =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i so totally agree wit u..i dont get mozzie problmes..but the greenish painful kind of bugs.. n they give out this greenish gooey juice wen u smash them.. =P