Sunday, May 11, 2008

Colouring my hair..

I am going to colour my hair as soon as I finish my last exam in my university life (hopefully, it will be the last one in my entire life too!).

I have been wanting to colour my hair ever since I stepped into college but somehow never got to do it. I mean, I don't have reason(s) to do it. I have healthy black hair (very black), no greys and a lot of people complimented on my hair.

But it's just that it is something that I want to try at least once in my life. Just for the fun of it. I'm not sure how it will turn out. I pray it will turn out good, of course, though it can turn out disastrous. It's really like gambling. Risk is involved.

Oh well, I have made up my mind so there is no point in contemplating anymore. Five years of contemplation is more than enough. Whatever the outcome might be, it is not the end of the world.

P/s: I know you will still love me even if I end up looking like a clown =p And yes, I know you love my black hair too. I promise I won't do this often. Most probably just this once. It's not good for my hair if I do it often anyway. I love my hair too, you know =p

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